Regarding NASF Salmon Summit 2018

Thank you to all who attended the 2018 Salmon Summit held in Reykjavik, Iceland on March 22 – 23.  Approximately 60 representatives of over 30 NGOs, research institutions, and sustainable industry groups convened to discuss the state of North Atlantic salmon populations and to strategize a course for supporting remaining stocks.

During the two-day Summit experts from across the North Atlantic Basin provided in-depth updates on these and other issues vital to the species’ survival. Attendees met in breakout sessions to further discuss topics such as country-level advocacy, High Seas buyouts, and regulatory advances in aquaculture. Two films were screened, “Lost at Sea” and “The Salmon Story,” and attendees toured a local land-based aquaculture facility.

Please visit the NASF website to view the speaker presentations, event photos, and more.

Stay tuned for future updates from our partner Reddvillaksen (NASF Norway) on the next Salmon Summit, which will be held in Norway in May of 2019. Please also check out the Reddvillaksen publication about the threats to wild Atlantic salmon, to learn more about their work.